This Movie Is Fuckin Ridiculous

This movie is nothing short of absurd. I hadn't seen this since i saw it in theaters when i was like 12. It is ridiculous in so many ways I can't even start to describe it. I'll list some here.
First, the obvious, THERE IS A FUCKIN VOLCANO UNDER LOS ANGELES. I can not stress enough how absurd it is. Lava streems through the subway and under ground.
Anne Heche falling for Tommy Lee Jones was just plain creepy. Maybe cause of the whole her banging Ellen DeGeneres at one point in her life.
Also, the dude that played Drew Carey's Cross dressing brother on his show was in this movie. He has a fairly ridiculous scene involving a subway train, sacrafice, and wicked witch of the west style human melting (only made slightly more believable by the presence of lava...from the volcano...under LA)
The best part has to be all the actual news broadcasters in this. Shepard Smith has a cameo or two throughout. But the best one was Fox's Sports sideline, dugout, wherever the hell reporters stand for nascar events reporter Chris Myers. I to somewhat over excited about that.
This is what happened in my apartment tonight:
Me: Holy Shit, thats' Chris Myers from Fox Sports
My Roomate: Who?
Me: The sideline reporter, from Fox. Does baseball games. Its so weird to see people from television in movies like this...right? ...right?
Roomate: Fuck you, i'm going to bed.
On a less major point, but still equally ridiculous as a volcano underneath the city of angels was when three kids played rock paper scissors. Mull that one over, cause i still don't get it.
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